Sunday, June 7, 2009

Music + Education

MUSIC. It is the rhythm of our lives. For some, it is the melodic vibe that keeps them grounded from day to day. Every culture moves to a beat of its own. Some fast. Some slow. And some at a smooth pace where two worlds collide into one. Music is a creative expression of its authors, yet there is a profound impact of music throughout the world.

EDUCATION. It is the wings of hope that propel us to the future. With it, we are powerful. Without it, we are lost. No matter to subject, education is a crucial thread that weaves our lives together and help us make sense of the world. Psychologist theorize that by the time a child is age six, he/she will have developed the personal character of who they will continue to be throughout their lives. While this may be true, much of what is learned during the educational molding of students in their youth will also be a catalyst of the paths they will take throughout their lives. Children are like sponges, absorbing and extracting from the world around them. With the right education they will become masterminds of their own fate. While ignorance can threaten to smother many of their hopes and dreams.

MUSIC EDUCATION. If you threw a penny in the air anywhere is Los Angeles, you will find a music education program for children and young adults. Conversely, if you threw that same penny in the air and asked a child if he/she was enrolled in one of these programs, you will most likely get a resounding “no”. Although placed in the attics of many parent’s minds, Music Education is an underused compliment to traditional educational studies. Even with a simple hour per week of learning and practicing a musical instrument, children can develop life-skills that transfer to positive everyday behavioral changes.

Through music education, children acquire discipline and structure. Working in groups, they learn their own personal voice in the world around them, in addition to experiencing the courageous benefits of working in groups. Music Education is not about dropping a child off for an hour with an instructor. It is a untapped resource of parent and child bonding, as the students learn to master their instrument.

There is great value in the model of music education. Unfortunately, many school districts have long forgotten the benefits of solid music programs. Existing programming is often severely limited and less likely to be placed in areas demonstrating the greatest need. Therefore, students who would benefit the most are not being reached. With the help of Project MuszEd, music education will continue to be a beacon of hope for families seeking a positive and creative outlet for their children.

Join us in putting the spotlight on Music Education. To find out more about Project MuszEd and how you can support our program, contact: us by calling 818. 985. 6110.

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